
APC, the party to beat...

29th Octobwr, 2021

Musa Bello Galadunchi
KATSINA, NIGERIA - It is not the party that the electorates are tired of or hate, but the bad elements wthin the party. The party is still popular and loved because of its good starting, high hopes and good faith people have for it, sound policies and the calibre of people who founded it.

Right from day one APC has been battling with mulplicity of problems, well organized and systematically planed by the agrieved APC members, engineered by the decamped people from other parties and aided by miscreants, power addicts and corrupts. The problems are from all angles, this space is not sufficiant to accomadate 

Everybody is a live participant of the happenings in the country, towards the tail end of 2015, boko haram insurgent was almost defeated and totally absent in the core North, tepically Katsina. However, as soon as the APC led government came on board, it resurfaced in its full weight, in some places even stronger than before.Worsening the situation, it escalated to places it was not there before, Katsina and later Zamfara and Sokoto to go to the point. Then who would believe that it is the government on power that promotes this? Any rational man will tell you that it is the assembly of those crooked, hyphocrite people that are behind this evils

Then came the cattle wrestling, substituting temporarilly the intensity of boko haram insurgency. Confronted by the concerted, delibrate effort informed by the political zeal of this government, today the cattle wrestling become almost a history, then with which this government would cope with? With the fighting this evils or the developmental projects and programs? It promised the masses. And you still believe that APC is not working.This is called a row sentmental!

Annoyed by the humiliating defeat of subdued cattle wrestling, the miscreants came up with another rebranded evil, in the name of kidnapping. Now people are being stolen instead of animals. What abnormality! This angered the people the most, making them believe that APC is failing and this is the ultimate goal of the miscreants so that they can regain power.

Still the APC led federal government forged ahead with fight, trying all means to end the evil act. This is equally contained, with rare cases here and there. This requires no prove as you hardly heared that so so number of people are being kidnapped, as oppose to before when people in tens or hundreds were being kidnapped on daily basis, can't we be thankful to and Allah for this feat!

Sensing eminent defeat again, the miscreants devised up another evil, banditry.They will never allow this government to deliver on its promises as contain in the APC manifesto, yet some braindwashed people fail to comprehend how uneasy this government is finding it to run its affairs due to the unprecedented level of sabotage.

These are the wicked, crooked evils, planted that you and I can see visiblly, tell me about the hidden ones that only those in the realm of affairs and the Perpetrators know exactly the magnitude of its adversity. Still we want the government to perfectly (only Allah is perfect) curb the menace, the problems are unending.

Not secured and satisfied with unnumbered ill plans hatched in chain, the miscreants planted numerous moles or hypocrites in APC so that they complement the impact of the above pre planed chained-implenmented evils. These moles are hardly identified that they could be dealt with, because they are nothing more than hypocrites and hyphocrite are the worst creature here and in hereafter. All the history breach of trust that had happened worldover was calmly and neatly happened through the hyphocrites, they give the party problems more than any other evil.

If viewed from this angle, the people will have no alternative than to reelect APC because the party is still on course and striving do deliver on its mandates, however the miscreants swore to defame and potrayed the party as failure.

The unperforming Political appointees both at the State and Federal levels inflicted uneasy-heeling wounds on this government. The president appointed many Northerners to juicy chairs which if were maned well the North would have been turned to moderately improved and better region if compared with hithertor regimes but unpportunitly they are there representing themselves, their families and may be, their relatives. Leaving the masses in abject poverty, hunger and skyrocked prices of foods and other basic necessities

But like I stated here in some of my recent pieces, that the hardships we found ourselves in was due to the sins and other wrongdoings that we persistently commit daily. Yet many of us do not repent, some do not even accept that they are sinner so that they can repent. And it is a condition/tradition with God, that He will try people with many, divergent trials until they repent from their sins

Besides all the above ill plans, presidents along other some state governors and top government officials are occationally charmed with a view for the miscreantsto prevail upon them so that the government remains mute on their wrongdoings, corruption and  embazzlement of public resources, a development this government was able to partially be dealt with

Therefore if compared on the basis of the ill happanings before this government came to power, a word of regret could not be uttered by us.Remember when people observed juma'at prayers in fear of being bombed, many ran for their life while praying on hearing the blast of a tyre or a child-gun-play, we are fast forgetting!

Markets became empties for fear of being bombed or killed, churches too, and steadly spreading to every public places. Today we pray calmly, with no fear as before, going to any market and any public place without any fear of whatsoever forms, not bomb blast alone. All these we only remember them when past pictures of the evil happenings resurface social media or other national TV and national dailies. Are all these not the concerted, unrelenting effort of the APC? To whom shall the credit go to?

It is the high prices of foods that caused artificial hunger couple with pocket of insecurity in some places that is making us turned blind from seeing the good APC has been doing. And this too was intentionally caused due to the killing of farmers and hoading of the already shortage food by the miscreants in order to creat a believe in the society that it is the APC led government that recklessly causes it, a war that the saboteurs/perpetrators will never win!  

No government in the history of this country invested in human capital, infrastructure and other social palliatives the way this government did so.

Take for instance Agriculture, about 1 trillion was invested through CBN, direct loans, Nirsal and other agricultural development banks into agric. But sometimes, if the loans reached the targeted farmers, they either misused it, diverted it to other irrelevant uses or even refused to repay back the loans thereby blocking others from benefiting. Are we then not contributing in sabotaging the government? Yet we see no fault of ours but that of the APC, what a selfish then !

Sometimes, the officials entrusted with the loan disbursement are the problem. They either disburse meager amount to farmers, an amount that cannot even buy fertilizer for them, not talk of completing the whole harvesting activities, or channelled the funds to their loved ones and friends, or grant it to those who even know not what farming is, if they do not do the worst, that is, not disbursing the funds completly. Still it is the same people, these dishonest government officials that conived with some ill guided masses, who come other way round and constantly castigate the APC that it fails and betrays people, is this a nationalism as they braggingly preach !

Therefore our problem is not the party, the APC. Our problem is the wrong perception and believe that the miscreants have been spending day and night to plant in the minds of people so that they believe that it is the APC that causes all the hardships they are in 

Whatever party we will create or strengthen will not solve our problems, the only solver of our problems is the almighty Allah, that is it, nothing more.

It is therefore these three -folded issues that the APC should addressed so that it retain power beyond 2023.faulty policies, the moles planted in the party and the wrong perception and believe about the APC that the miscreants spent years to create in the minds of the electorates.

Musa Bello Galadanchi

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